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Knowledge resources

Do you use effective measures and tools? We have collected and developed summaries of knowledge on four useful websites for those working with children and youth.

Assessment and evaluation

There are numerous tests and assessment tools available to evaluate the mental health of children and youth. PsykTestBarn is an electronic journal that contains articles reviewing the measurement properties of tests used in Norwegian practice.


Get an overview of the effectiveness of interventions with IN SUM

\ IN SUM is a database where you can find all systematic reviews on the effectiveness of interventions for children's mental health and well-being. IN SUM is updated monthly and includes both international and Nordic summaries.


Find knowledge summaries with Ungsinn

Ungsinn provides systematic knowledge summaries on specific interventions. Here, you can find practical information about the interventions as well as detailed reviews on the level of evidence supporting their effectiveness.


Prevention and treatment

Which interventions and treatment methods are effective? And which interventions lack research? Tiltakshåndboka (Intervention Handbook) is a decision-making tool that communicates research on what works for children's mental health and well-being. Tiltakshåndboka is written in Norwegian and is based on research gathered from IN SUM.


Barnevernsforum (Child Welfare Forum)

Barnevernsforum is a digital meeting place for sharing knowledge and experiences in the field of child welfare.

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